Internal audit
Get prepared with an internal software audit
An internal audit isn’t meant to cause strife between IT and procurement departments. It’s to protect the organization. Conduct a self-assessment and get a better understanding of your organization’s software utilization, lifecycle risk and effective license position before auditors come knocking with the real thing. Get ahead of an internal audit and improve your software governance processes before your organization faces costly consequences including audit fines and expenses due to security incidents.
Proactively assess your IT asset risk
Audit readiness
Know your true license position
If you’re overutilizing software or have had a history of M&A, you’re likely to be audited. Auditors frequently look six months to the past to determine compliance. Know your true license position by conducting an internal audit before the real thing comes. Get the key insights you need for your entire IT inventory and create your true license position with Flexera.

Complete data
Automatically normalize and enrich your data
Internal audits look at several risk factors including software use, how lifecycle policies are governed, if vulnerabilities are patched in a timely manner and if IT is aware of all assets used in the organization. Legacy inventory tools do not provide the breadth (understanding of SaaS usage, etc.) or data enrichment details (EOL/EOS, vulnerabilities, etc.) required to prepare for an internal audit. Flexera helps you obtain information about your software entitlements and usage from multiple sources and automatically normalizes and enriches that data with curated content from the world’s largest data repository, Technopedia.
Identify vulnerable applications
Find where you have vulnerable applications running
One of the first tests internal auditors run is to determine if there are end-of-life applications running in your environment. These applications are particularly vulnerable to threats. Additionally, they will investigate if you are patching vulnerabilities in a timely manner. Most hackers expose vulnerabilities within a week or 24 hours. To stay on top of vulnerabilities, prioritize your response by understanding where high impact vulnerabilities reside in your environment with market-leading threat advisories from Secunia Research.

Identify shadow IT
Find risk from Shadow SaaS applications
With distributed purchasing of SaaS applications, IT has lost visibility into what applications the company has purchased and is using. Many of these applications bypass SSO platforms and employees use weak passwords making a favorable hunting ground for threat actors. Flexera provides usage visibility of 25,000 SaaS applications, both free and paid, to help you get ahead of these threats.
Complete IT asset management
Govern software on-prem to cloud
As software assets expand to the cloud, SAM gets increasingly complex. You need more than a workflow to optimize your software spend and mitigate audit risk. Unlike other SAM tools, Flexera is the only solution that solves the increasing complexity of licensing and identifying IT asset risk. Flexera possesses the depth, breadth and automation required to ensure adherence to your IT policies.

Ten years ago, we had five to six audits a year. Now we have zero to one because they talk amongst each other, and they know they will never find anything wrong with our data. And we can prove it.
John Haenen, Software asset consultant Dutch Police
Frequently asked questions
Internal audits help reign in software spend by understanding your software assets. They can also help you protect your environments from external threats by auditing what software/hardware is approaching EOL. Leverage Flexera for an internal audit to know if you are underutilizing assets, not utilizing assets, or overutilizing assets and are at risk of a vendor audit.
Flexera utilizes NVD/NIST and our own Secunia research team to get the most up-to-date and comprehensive view of software vulnerabilities. Learn more about our Secunia research team.
Utilizing Flexera, you’ll receive security alerts covering your applications and systems, be able to discover details about how software vulnerabilities may affect you, including solution stats and access software vulnerability intelligence, which is verified, tested and vaildated by Secunia Research.
Informing IT, Transforming IT
Industry insights to help keep you informed
Case Study
Max Life Insurance sorgt für Wachstum und Einsparungen
Das indische Unternehmen Max Life Insurance konnte mit Spend Optimizer Einsparungen von 10 % bei den fünf größten Posten für Unternehmenssoftware erzielen.
Case Study
Sasol erzielt Einsparungen von 34 Mio. US-Dollar und fördert nachhaltiges Wachstum
Sasol, ein südafrikanisches Petrochemieunternehmen mit Umweltanspruch, realisiert mit Spend Optimizer Einsparungen in Höhe von 34 Mio. US-Dollar.
Case Study
SAM-Service verhilft Panasonic Europe zu betrieblicher Effizienz
Panasonic erschließt mit Spend Optimizer Effizienzsteigerungen sowie Einsparmöglichkeiten von 100.000 US-Dollar bei Microsoft®-Lizenzen
Case Study
EDEKA DIGITAL spart Millionen an SAP®-Lizenzkosten
Mithilfe von Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software konnte EDEKA DIGITAL 6,2 Mio. Euro an Softwarelizenzkosten einsparen und die Zeit für die Auditvorbereitung verkürzen.
Case Study
Maynilad spart erhebliche Summe an Lizenzkosten
Maynilad, der größte Dienstleister Manilas im Bereich Wasser- und Abwasserwirtschaft, erzielt mit Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software bedeutende Einsparungen bei der Lizenzierung.
Case Study
Syntegon spart sechsstelligen Betrag bei Softwarelizenzen
Syntegon, ein Anbieter von Prozess- und Verpackungstechnik, konnte mithilfe von Spend Optimizer Softwarelizenzkosten in sechsstelliger Höhe einsparen.