Etablierung einer nachhaltigen IT-Strategie

Nachhaltigkeit: unerlässlich für Verbraucher und Unternehmen

Nachhaltigkeitsvorschriften werden für Unternehmen zunehmend zum Imperativ. Initiativen im Bereich Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (Environmental, Social and Governance, ESG) sowie Bemühungen um nachhaltige IT gewinnen daher weltweit zunehmend an Bedeutung. Flexera unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Einführung und Umsetzung erfolgreicher, nachhaltiger IT-Systeme mit Erkenntnissen aus Technopedia, dem weltweit zuverlässigsten und umfassendsten Referenzkatalog für IT-Daten.

IT Visibility: sustainability realtime dashboard

Solve your CMDB data quality challenges

Evolve IT for ESG

The role of ITAM and FinOps in sustainability

Building a sustainability strategy requires auditing current IT practices, setting measurable and achievable sustainability goals, implementing practices toward meeting those goals and measuring effectively to report compliance with regulatory standards. Tackle IT sustainability requirements by focusing on data center, device and software optimization and cloud emissions. Gain carbon footprint monitoring and analysis plus compliance and regulatory reporting across the hybrid IT estate.

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Sustainable IT Carbon Footprint by Location

Proactively plan a sustainable estate

Turn data into action and reduce environmental impact

The increasing complexity of hybrid IT environments makes IT sustainability challenging. That’s why IT teams require reliable data to make key ESG decisions. From desktops (laptops, workstations, and peripherals) to servers, Flexera focuses on measuring and analyzing your emissions across Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 to determine your carbon footprint's factors.

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Plan for ESG in IT

Power visibility with Technopedia

Make choices that impact your carbon footprint

As ESG regulation continues to evolve worldwide, organizations are challenged to meet requirements. From reporting on monthly carbon emissions (MTCO2e—metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) across the hybrid IT estate (from on-premises to cloud infrastructure) to understanding time-phased trends, it’s essential your IT organization has the data it needs to adhere to evolving standards, measure effectively and leverage recommendations for carbon emission reduction.

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Sustainable IT across the technology estate
Sustainable IT across the technology estate

Plan, report and deliver

Flexera delivers on your IT sustainability requirements

Measuring ESG impact is crucial for meeting evolving standards from customers and regulators. With Flexera:

  • Aggregate and visualize carbon emissions across your IT estate, offering insights from diverse systems, applications, and regions to pinpoint areas for improvement
  • Customize reports to identify carbon hotspots, compare emissions across units, and integrate with data center infrastructure for detailed energy data
  • Use recommendations for efficiency upgrades and track real-time progress toward sustainability goals with visual indicators
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Key sustainability benefits

  • Automated collection of carbon emissions and power ratings aligned to your entire technology estate
  • ESG audit readiness for hybrid servers, infrastructure and end user compute
  • Enable a proactive energy stance for energy consumption and lifecycle of assets
  • Identify unknown assets that may violate corporate energy policy
ESG for IT assets

[A] significant development is the inevitable adoption of sustainability into ITAM, most notably driven by Flexera’s work to add carbon footprint data into the Technopedia database. The ability to take a carbon footprint view side-by-side with lifecycle and inventory data is a game changer, propelling ITAM to the forefront of value and data-driven decision making.

SVP, IT Financial Services Organization

Inform IT. Transform IT.

Einblicke in die branche. Damit sie stets auf dem neuesten stand sind.


SAM-as-a-Service: Komplexität vs. Simplizität – So lassen sich hybride IT-Infrastrukturen einfach managen

Die digitale Transformation rund um Cloud, Saas & Co. soll das Arbeiten in Unternehmen vereinfachen. Warum ist dann das Managen der IT-Assets nur so kompliziert? Marc Roggli von der Bechtle Schweiz AG muss sich dieser Frage häufig stellen. Seine Antwort fällt dabei frei nach Albert Einstein aus: „Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ Oder anders gesagt: Mehr Simplizität im SAM erreicht man nur mit einer auf Klarheit, Transparenz und Zielgenauigkeit ausgerichteten SAM-Strategie.

Meet regulation and reduce risk

Deliver definitive data to drive down technology risk, effort and costs.