VMware spend optimization
Get more from your VMware investment
VMware by Broadcom is a top vendor for software spend. They also rank in the top 10 for performing the most software audits. Proactively manage and optimize your VMware resources and licenses with Flexera to reduce cost and audit risk.
Maximize the business value of your VMware investment
Strengthen negotiations
Strengthen your VMware license position
With massive changes for VMware licensing by Broadcom, IT professionals will need to understand their VMware license position and assess the financial impact on their business. Flexera provides an overview of your organization's spend, licenses purchased and product use rights. For each application you can drill into the compliance position and usage details to understand what licenses are required by the business.

Improve VM resource utilization
Reduce VM sprawl, optimize your VM environment
Reclaiming resources can free up years of data center budget or reduce the cost of cloud migration. Flexera provides clear recommendations to help you downsize and automate the decommissioning of resources at the end of their lifecycle. Report on budgets and spend to infrastructure stakeholders and set spend alerts to be notified of unexpected budget issues as they arise.
Provision virtual infrastructure 100x faster
Use automation to provision VM resources
Accelerate innovation and eliminate the manual processes that slow you down. With Flexera, your team can work smarter and faster to deliver the infrastructure, applications and services that power your business. Leverage a self-service catalog, complete with approval processes and post-deployment workflows, to complete time-consuming requests in minutes—not days.

VMware optimization
Complete VMware optimization
Flexera provides complete visibility to your VMware estate to effectively understand your license position, eliminate VM waste and automate resource provisioning.
Being able to use a single SAM solution to manage all our software, from desktop applications like Microsoft and Adobe, to optimizing datacenter server licensing for Oracle and VMWare, is incredibly powerful and means we can provide consistent management reporting proving compliance and the monthly cost savings achieved.
Informing IT, Transforming IT
Industry insights to help keep you informed
German Event
Besuchen Sie uns auf der SAMS DACH im Jahr 2025
Nehmen Sie an SAMS DACH teil, der ultimativen Veranstaltung für Software Asset Management und IT-Führungskräfte, die vom 23. bis 25. März 2025 in Berlin stattfindet. Flexera wird vor Ort sein also schauen Sie an unserem Stand vorbei und erfahren Sie, wie maximale Transparenz smarte IT-Investitionen möglich macht.
Wir freuen uns, exklusiv für unsere Kunden Freikarten für die Veranstaltung anbieten zu können. Um Ihre Tickets zu erhalten, wenden Sie sich einfach an Ihren Customer Value Manager oder Account Manager.
Innovatives SaaS Discovery
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie SaaS-Applikationen überwachen, Sicherheits- und Compliance-Richtlinien einhalten und Kosten kontrollieren können.
Der Flexera 2025 State of the Cloud Report
Wie werden GenAI, steigende Cloud-Kosten, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit Ihre Cloud-Strategien im Jahr 2025 beeinflussen?
State of ITAM Report 2024 von Flexera
Der State of ITAM Report 2024 von Flexera beleuchtet wie wichtig ein ordnungsgemäßes IT- Asset-Management ist, die Herausforderungen, die damit einhergehen, sowie Lösungsansätze dieser. Mehr dazu im aktuellen Report.
Kurzleitfaden: Zukunftsfähige Technology Intelligence im Jahr 2025
Entdecken Sie die Schlüsselfaktoren für echte Technology Intelligence.
Kurzleitfaden: Zukunftfähiges SaaS im Jahr 2025
Entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren von SaaS in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Let’s get started
Discover how Flexera can help you optimize your VMware investment.