Flexera Software Vulnerability Research and products
The world’s best vulnerability intelligence
The Secunia Research team and Flexera’s detailed and accurate IT asset data provides the most accurate and reliable source of vulnerability intelligence.
Related Products and Solutions
Reliable, curated and actionable vulnerability intelligence
Software Vulnerability Research
Flexera’s Software Vulnerability Research
Market-leading threat intelligence
Flexera’s Software Vulnerability Research utilizes vetted vulnerability and threat intelligence from Secunia Research to drive awareness of vulnerabilities matching your specified criteria. Having independent and robust sources of vulnerability data is even more important with recent disruptions in the NVD’s enrichment processes.

Software Vulnerability Manager
Software Vulnerability Manager
Prioritize threat remediation with context
Flexera’s Software Vulnerability Manager uses Secunia Research data to identify, prioritize and patch known vulnerable software detected in your environment. Save time by automatically patching identified software vulnerabilities.
Flexera One
Flexera One
Get a complete view of technology risk
To prioritize remediation of software vulnerabilities, it’s important to consider multiple attributes, including EOL/EOS, application location, department and whether the application contains sensitive information. Flexera One utilizes Secunia Research (alongside public National Vulnerability Database (NVD) data) to provide more granular matching of build-level versions of software in your normalized inventory within its IT Visibility solution.

What are the top priorities for the modern IT leader?
Integrating AI
Reducing IT costs
Reducing security risks

How it works
Real-time vulnerability intelligence
Accurate, reliable vulnerability insights at your fingertips
2023 had the most recorded Secunia Advisories since 2002 (up 15% year over year). With AI innovations, it’s easier for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities, and these can be exploited within a week or even 24 hours. Because the NVD database is outdated, security professionals need another source for vulnerability advisories to ensure they are protecting their environment. The Secunia Research team from Flexera provides the most accurate and reliable source of vulnerability intelligence on the market, and Flexera’s vulnerability intelligence and patch management software offers the most patches of any provider in the industry so you can quickly prevent threats.
[Software Vulnerability Manager] helped to track the security issues the product is facing and planning arrangements to tackle the threats, Splitting the application and implementing microservices with the incorporation of vulnerability manager resulted in an efficient product architecture.
Informing IT, Transforming IT
Industry insights to help keep you informed
Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats: Flexera's Latest Vulnerability Insights
Join us for this session where we'll explore the latest findings from the Flexera Monthly Vulnerability Insights Report.
Dive deeper into the Flexera Annual Vulnerability Insights
We'll explore the key findings from the Flexera Annual Vulnerability Insights Report. Learn about the latest cybersecurity trends, the most targeted industries, the types of vulnerabilities, plus management and mitigation strategies.
Avoid missing crucial vulnerability intelligence amid NVD backlog
Englisches Webinar
Stay protected: Understand and secure your IT estate
Flexera’s Mark Bradley, Jeroen Braak and Tyler Stanczak delve into the importance of gaining visibility into your IT estate and how to act against potential threats. They’ll discuss industry trends and how Flexera solutions can help you stay protected.
Englisches Webinar
Effektiveres Management von IT-Assets durch aussagekräftige Einblicke
Senken Sie Ihre Softwarekosten, minimieren Sie das Risiko durch Sicherheitslücken und verlagern Sie die Kosten für die manuelle Datenerfassung auf andere strategische Geschäftsinitiativen. In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, wie Sie aussagekräftige Einblicke nutzen können, um Ihren IT-Bestand besser zu verwalten.
Case Study
Angereicherte SAM-Daten des Finanzinstituts zahlen sich strategisch aus
Das führende US-amerikanische Finanzinstitut Northern Trust wollte seine IT-Umgebung so gestalten, dass sie mit den geschäftlichen Entscheidungsträgern des Unternehmens zusammenarbeitet. Das Unternehmen entschied sich für die ITAM- und FinOps-Lösungen der Flexera One-Suite, die angereicherte SAM-Daten liefern, um die strategischen Ziele zu erreichen.
Get started
Discover how Flexera can help you fortify your IT estate—so you can focus on what matters most.