Snow Engineering Application Management
Get your expensive engineering software under control
As organizations increase investments in engineering software, IT leaders struggle to keep track of what applications are in use and ensure they are available when they’re needed. Flexera meters and reports how applications are being used, suspends unused applications, and releases the associated licenses so you can ensure applications are ready for users when it’s time to deploy.
Get the visibility you need to manage and automate engineering licenses
Cut license costs and eliminate waste
Get a complete view of engineering software in use with license management servers. See who is using what and when. With accurate license information, shown by location, business unit or project, you can enable chargeback accounting, guarantee optimal license usage, and ensure you only pay for what you need.

Reduce expenses

Improve license usage efficiency
Better align software purchases with user activity
Correctly align software license and maintenance purchases to match users’ needs by monitoring and reporting on application activity. Easily distinguish between active and dormant application usage. With detailed reports on usage patterns, you can spend more time optimizing key areas, including support, training and vendor management.
Usage-based license management
With advanced configuration, you can monitor metrics such as CPU, mouse and keyboard activity to effectively assess and optimize usage automatically. When applications are found to be inactive, based on flexible criteria, the user is notified. If no response is received, the application is suspended, and the license is returned to the pool for others to access.

Continuously monitor usage
Frequently asked questions
Supported license management servers currently include: FLEXlm/FlexNet, IBM LUM, Reprise License Manager™ (RLM), LM-X, Sentinel RMS, MathLM™, Abaqus/Elan, Green Hills License Manager (GHSlm), SlickEdit®, STI License Manager, Enterprise Architect LM, NetHASP (Aladdin Hardlock and Sentinel HASP), Bentley Select, SmartPlant, Dassault Systemés License Server (DSLS), Animator, Beta LM, LS-DYNA, Altair®, ClearCase, Parasoft® License Server, HQMS, Exceed onDemand, Peloton and Vector.
Popular reports include named-user license usage, users checking out multiple licenses at any one time, time trend license usage, license denial reports and site and global concurrent license usage comparison with named-user licenses.
Snow Engineering Application Management continuously monitors activity levels of select applications and users, optimizing their use automatically. When it discovers an application that is inactive based on predefined parameters, the user is notified. If no response is given, the application and all its data are suspended, and the license is returned to the license pool for other users to access.
Industry insights to help keep you informed
German Event
Besuchen Sie uns auf der SAMS DACH im Jahr 2025
Nehmen Sie an SAMS DACH teil, der ultimativen Veranstaltung für Software Asset Management und IT-Führungskräfte, die vom 23. bis 25. März 2025 in Berlin stattfindet. Flexera wird vor Ort sein also schauen Sie an unserem Stand vorbei und erfahren Sie, wie maximale Transparenz smarte IT-Investitionen möglich macht.
Wir freuen uns, exklusiv für unsere Kunden Freikarten für die Veranstaltung anbieten zu können. Um Ihre Tickets zu erhalten, wenden Sie sich einfach an Ihren Customer Value Manager oder Account Manager.
Innovatives SaaS Discovery
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie SaaS-Applikationen überwachen, Sicherheits- und Compliance-Richtlinien einhalten und Kosten kontrollieren können.
Der Flexera 2025 State of the Cloud Report
Wie werden GenAI, steigende Cloud-Kosten, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit Ihre Cloud-Strategien im Jahr 2025 beeinflussen?
State of ITAM Report 2024 von Flexera
Der State of ITAM Report 2024 von Flexera beleuchtet wie wichtig ein ordnungsgemäßes IT- Asset-Management ist, die Herausforderungen, die damit einhergehen, sowie Lösungsansätze dieser. Mehr dazu im aktuellen Report.
Kurzleitfaden: Zukunftsfähige Technology Intelligence im Jahr 2025
Entdecken Sie die Schlüsselfaktoren für echte Technology Intelligence.
Kurzleitfaden: Zukunftfähiges SaaS im Jahr 2025
Entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren von SaaS in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Let’s get started
Our team is standing by to discuss your requirements and deliver a demo of our industry-leading platform.