FlexNet Manager
Senkung von Kosten und Compliancerisiken durch Lizenzoptimierung
Verwalten Sie Ihre Assets mit unseren branchenführenden Managementlösungen, und passen Sie sie bedarfsgerecht an. Mit IT-Asset-Management für Unternehmen ermöglichen wir ein besseres Lizenzmanagement, damit Sie durch Softwarelizenzoptimierung Zeit und Geld sparen. Durch ein effizienteres Management von Herstellerbeziehungen und Verträgen mit Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP und vielen anderen können Sie deutlich bessere Ergebnisse erzielen. Ganz nebenbei ist Ihr Unternehmen so ideal für mehr Wachstum aufgestellt.
Mit vier leistungsstarken Lösungen, die Clients, Rechenzentren, SAP und Engineeringanwendungen umfassen, können unsere Lösungen für das IT-Asset-Management die Art und Weise verändern, wie Sie Ihre Software verwalten.
With four powerful solutions spanning clients, data centers, SAP and engineering apps, our IT asset management solutions will change the way you manage your software.
Superior insights, reporting and savings
Current license positions
Current license positions
Provide insights into current license positions
Flexera’s IT Asset Management solution will help optimize your license position based on what you have and what you need. With forensic-level insights, you’ll be able to dive deep into understanding the number of licenses or packages to purchase for your applications.

Understand license utilization
Understand license utilization
Highlight optimization opportunities
Understand and view your license usage to best optimize your estate. Flexera's IT Asset Management solution helps you understand your license utilization, whether they’re hosted on-premises, SaaS apps or in the cloud. Beyond usage reduction, identify how your employees utilize their licenses, understand the key functionalities the software is providing and identify optimization opportunities.

Reporting and analytics
Reporting and analytics
Guide better decisions
Seeing license consumption over time gives your organization the data it needs to act on cost-saving measures and optimization opportunities. With a variety of different reports, you can identify red flags and key trends for cost and software utilization, ensuring appropriate action is taken.

Manage hundreds of vendors
Manage hundreds of vendors
Actionable data in one view
Flexera helps manage a variety of different licensing models across an array of vendors, including IBM, Oracle, Microsoft and hundreds of others. Gain visibility into your estate, from license utilization to importing imagery data from third-party systems. We merge the data into a single source of truth.

Save more with software license management
- Automate effective license positions using Flexera’s entitlement library with more than 900,000 applications providing product use rights, metrics and license types
- Manage vendor relationships and contracts to improve business outcomes
- Maximize the value of software portfolios to redirect savings towards strategic initiatives
- Share insights by integrating with procurement, ITSM, and ITFM

Flexera gives me the necessary data quality to provide the financial transparency and overview required in a global software lifecycle management department.
Frequently asked questions
An IT asset is hardware or software within an information technology environment. These components are used for the storage, management, control, display and transmission of data, among others.
ITAM software is a program designed to record and track the lifecycle of all IT assets in an organization.
ITAM solutions enable the monitoring, tracking and management of who and what’s in your IT infrastructure. This allows you to understand what components are accessible to whom and adjust manager control wherever necessary.
An ITAM system can also grasp end-of-life (EOL) and end-of-support (EOS) intrusion points of your assets, which can help you keep your IT estate up to date and ready to combat any issues.
While hardware and software assets operate in different areas and are used in distinct processes, ITAM should include both HAM and SAM for a full view of your IT estate.
HAM is attached to SAM by way of software licenses, license reclamation, etc. Understanding the connection between the two service features can help you more efficiently manage your asset lifecycle and maximize your technology investments.
While similar, ITAM and configuration management database (CMDB) differ in purpose and goals. ITAM intends to provide an overview of IT assets, particularly concerning their lifecycle, to minimize security risks, reduce costs, maximize the business value of technology and make IT-related decisions easier.
A CMDB, on the other hand, is a centralized repository (like a filing system) used to store all of the data of an IT environment. It allows you to monitor, track and manage all of your IT assets in one place.
ITAM is a process that accounts for the planning, acquisition, utilization, maintenance and disposal of IT assets. On the other hand, IT service management (ITSM) is an approach for designing, delivering and managing how you use your IT assets.
ITAM’s goal is to optimize and minimize costs by managing hardware and software assets. Meanwhile, ITSM is meant to ensure the delivery of IT services to customers.
Hybrid ITAM reaches the intersection of ITAM and FinOps. This intersection has a blind spot in the management of software on cloud products such as AWS, and Microsoft Azure. To address this blind spot, ITAM and FinOps teams need to work together to manage the cloud software.
Informing IT, Transforming IT
Industry insights to help keep you informed
German Event
Besuchen Sie uns auf der SAMS DACH im Jahr 2025
Nehmen Sie an SAMS DACH teil, der ultimativen Veranstaltung für Software Asset Management und IT-Führungskräfte, die vom 23. bis 25. März 2025 in Berlin stattfindet. Flexera wird vor Ort sein also schauen Sie an unserem Stand vorbei und erfahren Sie, wie maximale Transparenz smarte IT-Investitionen möglich macht.
Wir freuen uns, exklusiv für unsere Kunden Freikarten für die Veranstaltung anbieten zu können. Um Ihre Tickets zu erhalten, wenden Sie sich einfach an Ihren Customer Value Manager oder Account Manager.
Innovatives SaaS Discovery
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie SaaS-Applikationen überwachen, Sicherheits- und Compliance-Richtlinien einhalten und Kosten kontrollieren können.
Der Flexera 2025 State of the Cloud Report
Wie werden GenAI, steigende Cloud-Kosten, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit Ihre Cloud-Strategien im Jahr 2025 beeinflussen?
State of ITAM Report 2024 von Flexera
Der State of ITAM Report 2024 von Flexera beleuchtet wie wichtig ein ordnungsgemäßes IT- Asset-Management ist, die Herausforderungen, die damit einhergehen, sowie Lösungsansätze dieser. Mehr dazu im aktuellen Report.
Kurzleitfaden: Zukunftsfähige Technology Intelligence im Jahr 2025
Entdecken Sie die Schlüsselfaktoren für echte Technology Intelligence.
Kurzleitfaden: Zukunftfähiges SaaS im Jahr 2025
Entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren von SaaS in Ihrem Unternehmen.
How can we help?
We’re standing by to help with all your ITAM needs.